I am a multidisciplinary artist who uses different techniques and media creating site-specific installations for the benefit of the storytelling of each project, taking into account the relationship and conversation of the works with each other and with the space, with the container. Each technique helps me communicate better with my audience. I make use of both painting, sculpture, drawing, installation, photography, video and sound.
I use codes from the digital world to create visual metaphors and tell stories that concern the human being and his relationship with the environment and each increasingly present digital world.The glitch represents a fault in the system, a code, to be able to enter in parallel realities, perceived in the same space and time. It suffers from chromatic aberrations, as if it were a failure within the modern life learned.
The circuit represents what we have been taught to see. The labyrinth in which society is submerged and based.
All my projects, regardless of the format and medium chosen to develop them, start from a common premise. Analyze the world and the society in which we live, paying attention to the little things and events that happen to us, to provoke questions in the viewer, that make them analyze their own life and be able to get rid of those limited beliefs that sabotage their life, in a world in which the oversaturation of apparent “real information” from the media creates life models not in accordance with the nature of being, and encourages comparison with others in a competitive and aggressive way, instead of a personal and emotional growth, where one can be free, and decide coherently and consciously what to do, say and be at all times, regardless of the circumstances that surround us.